• Customize Your Program - When you enroll for your Training Course, a custom-designed Program is created for you and specifically tailored to meet your personal requirements in order to achieve your Training Goals. You can Customize your Program by selecting from the training options listed for Speech Classes  that you would like to be  included in your Course.
  • Combination Options - You can 'Mix-&-Match' any, or all, elements that you want included in your Training Course. Some popular combinations are: 'Voice & Speech' + 'Communication Skills,' 'Executive Speech Coaching' + 'Media Training', or 'Accent Reduction' + 'Executive Speech' + 'Public Speaking.'  Any combination of your choice.
  • VP Training System - Using our unique '10-Point Training System', we develop a comprehensive training program for you that incorporates all elements that you want included in your Program. You then select the Course that works best for you and fits schedule and budget requirements from our  Speech Courses
  • Work At Your Own Pace -  Some people like to take their time to absorb all of the techniques in an easy, relaxed manner, others prefer an accelerated approach, perhaps for an upcoming significant speech or project and need to get fast results. For most people, however, somewhere in the middle usually works best.  Whichever way you want to approach your training is entirely up to you.  The key to your success is getting started and then you will be truly amazed at what you can achieve! 

  For more information or to schedule a private consultation, please contact us at:

                                                              Tel:  312-527-1809

                                                    Or, e-mail: helen@voicepowr.com