Voice & Speech Coaching for Business -
Voice & Speech Training Programs customized for Companies and Business Professionals from all types of Industries, and at all levels, to achieve Company training Goals. The following represents the basic Training Principles for each type of Course which is then further adapted to meet your specific requirements.
Voice & Speech Training & Development -
Techniques to improve the Vocal Image & Interpersonal Communication Skills for each participant and build confidence for Meetings, Telephone, Tel-Video Conference Calls, Sales, Customer Services, etc. Training sessions include: Modulating Sound and Tonal quality for a warm, professional Vocal Image; Projecting with Energy and Enthusiasm; Sharpening Speech Clarity & Articulation; Regulating Pacing and Rate-of-Speech to be clearly understood; Developing effective strategies for all day-to-day communications, and much more.
Public Speaking & Presentation Skills Training -
Speech Coaching & Presentation Skills Training & Techniques to speak with Confidence and Authority to groups of all sizes, types, and at all levels; Eliminate any stress, anxiety or nervousness; Adapting Vocal Style & Delivery for different Groups and Environments; Projection, Speech Clarity & Articulation; Pacing & Rate-of-Speech; Body Language, Gestures, Eye Contact; Organization & Preparation of Content & Format for smooth, seamless "Flow"; Using PowerPoint or other Visuals; Professional Style, Image & Presence.