VOICE & SPEECH TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT - Essential Tools & Techniques to become a Confident Speaker & Communicator to advance your Career & Business opportunities! Training Programs tailored to fit your specific needs and to achieve your training Goals & Objectives. Key Focus Points:
- Modulating Sound, Tone & Resonance for full, rich Voice Image
- Breathing & Relaxation Techniques for Energy, Support & Projection.
- Correcting Voice & Speech Problems that undermine self-confidence
- Improving Speech Clarity & Articulation, Enunciation & Pronunciation.
- Expanding Vocal Range & Expression + Pacing & Rate of Speech
- Effective use of Language & Vocabulary Skills for Concise Discussion
- Communication Strategies, Interactive-Interpersonal, Speech Dynamics
- Develop Professional & Personal Style & Image & Confident 'Presence'
- Career Strategies to advance professionally and achieve your Goals!
If you have any questions, please e-mail: helen@voicepowr.com or call 312-833-1650.