EXECUTIVE SPEECH COACHING - Advanced Level Tools & Techniques custom-designed for Executives & Professionals, at all levels, from all walks of life, to build high level confidence and Executive Presence to establish Leadership & Authority and to advance Career & Professional Opportunities. Key Focus Points:
- Modulating Sound, Tone & Resonance for rich textured Voice Image.
- Diaphragmatic Breathing & Relaxation for Energy, Support & Projection
- Strengthen Speech Clarity, Articulation & Pronunciation for Authority
- Expanding Vocal Range & Expression + Pacing & Rate of Speech
- Control Body Language, Gestures, Eye Contact for dynamic Presence.
- Use of Language & Vocabulary Skills, Power Words, Storytelling, etc.
- Effective Strategies for Business Meetings, Discussions, Conference, etc.
- Vocal Techniques to Influence, Persuade, Inspire & Motivate others.
- Performance Technique, Speaking Engagements, Events, Media, PR.
- Defining Brand, Executive Presence, Leadership Style & Vocal Image.
If you have any questions, please e-mail: helen@voicepowr.com. or call 312-527-1809.